n.. n.. ni. n..
? -1 ?2e –…………………………………………………….…………….(1.2)i jc bjciiajjb bj jbbij jaaiaia aijib b a b10It is observed that the first term of (1.2) which is a function of the fixedeffect is different from that in (1.1); and this occurs in expected values ofall sum of squares terms (except for SSE). And, more importantly, thefunction of the fixed effects is not the same from one expected sum ofsquares term to the next.For example, with the ?’s fixed, E (SSE) contains the term,? (?nij?i)2/ n.j – (?ni.?i)2/n.. which differs from the first term in E (SSA) of (1.2).ThusE [SSA – SSB] does not get rid of the fixed effects even though it doeseliminate terms in µ. This is true generally in mixed models, expectedvalues of the sum of squares contain functions of the fixed effects thatcannot be eliminated by considering linear combinations of the sum ofsquares. This means that the equations E (SS) = P?2+ ?2ef of the randommodel takes the term E (SS) = P?2+ ?2ef + q in the mixed model, where qis a vector of the quadratic functions of the fixed-effects in the model.Hence, ?² cannot be estimated and the analysis of variance method appliedto unbalanced data cannot be used for mixed as well as for fixed-effectmodels. It yields biased estimators. Simply put, with unbalanced data, theanalysis of variance method for mixed and fixed effect models lead tobiased estimators of variance components.Mixed models involve dual estimation problems – estimating bothfixed effects and variance components.1.4 AIM / OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDYThe aim of this work is to analyze unbalanced fixed effect noninteractive model using the Intra-Factor Design.1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYbiajai11As a result of dual estimation problems of the mixed model withunbalanced data which accounted for biased estimators of variancecomponents, Henderson (1953), designed a method to correct thisdeficiency. This he does by his method 2 which uses the data first toestimate fixed effects of the model and then using these estimators toadjust the data. Variance components are estimated from the adjusted databy the analysis of variance method. This whole procedure was designed sothat the resulting variance estimators were not biased by the presence ofthe fixed effects in the model as they were with the analysis of varianceestimators derived from the basic data. So far as the criterion ofunbiasedness was concerned, this was certainly achieved by this method.But the general method of analyzing data adjusted according tosome estimator of the fixed effects is open to criticism on other groundssuch as: it cannot be uniquely defined, and a simplified form of it, ofwhich Henderson’s Method 2 is a special case, cannot be used wheneverthe model includes interactions between the fixed effects and the randomeffects. As such, the need for the birth of this research “Analysis ofUnbalanced Fixed-Effect Non-interactive Model”.1.6 SCOPE / LIMITATION OF THE STUDYThis study is basically limited to fixed effect non-interactivemodels.1.7 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDYThe work was organized in five systematic chapters. Chapter oneis made up of the introduction to the study. Other topics considered in thischapter include: the problem involved in random models, problem ofmixed effect models, the aim and objective of the study, significance of12the study, the scope/limitations of the study and the organization of thestudy.In chapter two, the related literatures were reviewed as to see whatvarious researchers had said or written about the topic underconsideration. In this chapter, the following subtopics were considered:the test for interaction effect and elimination of the interaction effect.In chapter three, the methodology used in the study wassystematically described as to enhance the understanding of the study. Themethod of data analysis was also carefully derived mathematically.The chapter four of this study shows the presentation and analysisof data. In doing this, the following subtopics were considered: the leastsquare method of analyzing the unbalanced factor design, test ofhypothesis and illustrative example on the application of the unbalancedfactor design. An example was given to illustrate the analysis ofunbalanced data using the Intra-Factor Design.Finally, chapter five which is the concluding chapter contains thediscussion of the main findings, conclusion and recommendations.